Monday, 8 September 2008

It's Over!

We've now successfully completed our £15 week. Here are my conclusions:
  1. I was a bit hungry on a few evenings. Nothing unmanageble but I think some of the dinners were a bit small (e.g. beans & sausages on toast would be better with a can each)
  2. Rice pudding 5 times a week is too much! However there are other options for desserts (tinned fruit, yogurts, chocolate mousse, custard, homemade crumbles, ice cream) that are nearly as cheap and mean that we can eat slightly less than normal for our main course.
  3. Neither of us particularly liked the dahl, but it might be possible to improve it or vary it a bit with some different ingredients.
  4. Everything else was fine. The 25p pasta sauce was surprisingly good, as were the digestive biscuits and the beans on toast.
I hope we're going to keep some of these changes, especially having porridge for breakfast, eating more vegetarian dinners and meal planning a bit more. In recent months our grocery spending has been about £280 a month and if we can cut that down even to £200 I will be happy.

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