Thursday, 4 September 2008


One of the aims of this week was to eat a reasonably nutritious diet. So how have we done in terms of fruit and vegetables? The current recommendation is 5 a day, but based on what we normally eat I'll be happy with anything close to 4. I should also say that I've been eating quite a lot of free tomatoes that my lovely Dad grew and brought over last week, but I won't count them below since they weren't actually paid for out of the £15.

In total we will be eating:

16 apples
14 bananas
7 huge carrots (14 portions)
3 small courgettes (2 portions)
5 small onions (5 portions)
1 tin sweetcorn (3 portions)
250g yellow split peas (4 portions)
2 tins vegetable soup (4 portions)
1 jar tomato sauce for pasta (2 portions)

and I think I won't count the jam...

so total portions = 64
Average per person per day = 4.6

Not bad!

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